Citizen Tokens

Citizen Tokens in DataGuard CPM are a crucial component for identifying and authorising individual Citizens to view and manage their own consent, preferences, and audit history. These tokens ensure that each Citizen can only access their own data, providing a secure and personalised user experience.

Key Features

  • Single-Citizen Access: A Citizen Token is designed to grant access to only one Citizen, ensuring that each token is uniquely tied to a single individual. This security measure ensures that Citizens can only view and manage their own data.
  • Token Expiry: All Citizen Tokens come with a customisable expiry time, allowing you to control how long a token remains valid. This feature helps maintain security by ensuring tokens are only active for as long as necessary.
  • Designed for Frontend: Citizen Tokens are primarily used from the frontend and are required for the Manage and History Widgets. These tokens ensure that only authenticated and authorised Citizens can interact with their consent and preference data.

Creating Citizen Tokens

There are two methods for creating Citizen Tokens: On-demand and batch generation.

On-Demand Token Generation

The on-demand API for creating Citizen Tokens is a synchronous endpoint, designed to generate a token for a single Citizen at a time. This method is ideal for serving a request in real-time when a page requires a token for a Citizen.

For more details on creating Citizen Tokens on demand, refer to the On-Demand API Documentation.

Batch Token Generation

Batch generation of Citizen Tokens operates as an asynchronous job system. When you create a job for a batch of tokens using the API or the UI, the system processes the request in the background. This method is suitable for generating tokens for thousands or millions of Citizens at once.

You can either generate a job for all Citizens in the application or specify up to 1,000 individual Citizens. Once the tokens are generated, you can download them as a file. Batch token generation is ideal for pre-creating tokens for all users, allowing them to be stored in a database and used in the future as needed without requiring real-time generation.

For more details on batch generation, refer to the Batch Token Generation API Documentation.


Citizen Tokens are essential for securely managing individual Citizen data in DataGuard CPM. Whether you need to generate tokens on demand for immediate use or in batches for large-scale deployment, Citizen Tokens provide the flexibility and security required to manage consent, preferences, and audit history effectively. By choosing the appropriate method of token generation, you can ensure a smooth and secure experience for your users.