💻 Implement Technical Integrations
Welcome to the Implement Technical Integrations section of the DataGuard CPM documentation. This guide is designed to help developers and technical teams seamlessly integrate DataGuard’s consent and preference management capabilities into your digital properties. Whether you’re working on web forms, mobile applications, or backend systems, this section will provide you with the necessary instructions and best practices.
This section includes four key guides, each tailored to specific integration needs:
Using the Sign Up Widget
The Sign Up Widget is a ready-made solution that allows you to easily capture consent from new users during the sign-up process. This guide will walk you through embedding the widget into your form.
Go to Using the Sign Up Widget Guide
Using the Manage Widget
The Manage Widget enables your users to update their preferences and manage their consents directly from your site. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to embed the widget.
Go to Using the Manage Widget Guide
Create a Mobile Integration
Integrate DataGuard CPM into a mobile app while maintaining control of your mobile look and feel. This guide will cover how to leverage DataGuard’s APIs to build a seamless consent management experience within your mobile applications.
Go to Create a Mobile Integration Guide
Custom Backend Integration
If your project has unique requirements or you prefer to build your own integration without relying on our widgets, this guide is for you. It details how to use DataGuard’s simple APIs to build a custom backend integration, giving you full control over how consent data is managed and stored.
Updated 4 months ago