Citizen Email Addresses

The Citizen Emails feature in DataGuard CPM offers flexibility in managing the email addresses of your Citizens. While storing Citizen email addresses is optional, doing so can unlock additional functionality and streamline various processes.

Benefits of Storing Citizen Emails

  • Service Emails & Double Opt-In: Storing email addresses allows you to automate the sending of service-related emails, such as those required for double opt-in processes. This ensures that you can comply with consent requirements efficiently.
  • Citizen Identifier: Using the email address as a Citizen identifier can be particularly useful for integrations with third-party tools. It enables a centralised view of a Citizen across different platforms without the need for additional linking or manual processes.

Security and Management

  • Encryption: As email addresses are personal data, DataGuard CPM adds an additional layer of encryption to protect this information. This ensures that the email addresses stored within the system are secured against unauthorised access.

  • Separate Resource Management: Email addresses are managed by a separate resource from the Citizen itself. To manage Citizen emails, you should use the Citizen Email Lookup endpoints. This separation provides greater control and security over how email addresses are handled and accessed.


  • Sign Up Widget: When using the Sign Up Widget, you can pass the Citizen’s email address using the contactDetails.emailAddress field. This makes it easy to collect and manage email data at the point of user registration or interaction.

Storing Citizen email addresses within DataGuard CPM provides a robust way to enhance the management of Citizen data, offering both security and functionality. By leveraging these features, you can ensure that your data management practices are efficient, secure, and aligned with your organisation's needs.