Data Export

The Data Export feature in DataGuard CPM offers the quickest and most efficient way to retrieve all of your consent data. With just a few steps, you can generate a file containing comprehensive information on the current Permission and Preference state of all Citizens. This process takes only a matter of minutes, making it a powerful alternative to using Webhooks for data retrieval.

Key Features

  • Quick Export: The Data Export feature allows you to generate a file that contains all the relevant consent and preference data for your Citizens. This is particularly useful when you need a complete snapshot of your data at a specific point in time.
  • Alternative to Webhooks: Instead of maintaining a copy of your data by listening to live updates via webhooks, you can simply export the data whenever you need it. This on-demand approach is ideal for periodic reviews or audits.
  • JSON or CSV: The export file can be generated in either JSON or CSV format, depending on your needs. JSON is ideal for structured data processing, while CSV is perfect for spreadsheets and simpler data analysis.

How It Works

  1. Create an Export Job: Start by creating an export job using the Data Export feature. This can be done through the API or via the CPM UI.
  2. Poll for Completion: Once the job is created, you can poll the job status and wait for its completion. For detailed instructions on how to do this, refer to the API Documentation.
  3. Download the Export File: Once the job is complete, download the file and use it as needed for your data processing tasks.

Try It Out

To get a feel for how the export process works, you can also try the export feature directly in the Data section of the CPM UI.

Customisable Filters

The Data Export feature offers various filters that allow you to narrow down the scope of your export based on several factors:

  • Date Range: Filter the data based on the date when the Citizen was last updated.
  • Consent State: Choose to export only permissions that are either opted in or opted out.
  • Expiry: Filter based on whether the permissions have expired or are still valid.
  • Purposes: Narrow the export down to specific Consent Purposes that are relevant to your needs.
  • Preferences: Similarly, you can filter the export to include only specific Preferences.


The Data Export feature in DataGuard CPM provides a fast, flexible, and comprehensive way to retrieve all your consent and preference data. Whether you need a complete data set for analysis or just a filtered selection, the export functionality makes it easy to get the information you need, in the format you prefer. For more detailed usage, try it out in the CPM UI or refer to the API documentation for automated export processes.