Redirect to latest revision of public PrivacyPolicy.

This endpoint enables customers to embed a fixed URL in content such as websites or emails.
Following URL will redirect to the Privacy Policy content.

  • for Privacy Policies that use Revisions, the latest content shall be used.
  • for Privacy Policies that do not use Revisions, the main content shall be used.
  • for Privacy Policies that do not have either, a 404 (Not found) status shall be returned.

Privacy Policy Reference Limitations:

  • References must not contain forward slashes / since they are used to delimit the fields of the URL and may cause unpredictable behaviour.
  • While References may contain spaces, it not recommended since URLs should not (they are encoded as either + or %20). This may also cause unpredictable behaviour.
  • While certain characters may be encoded using Percent Encoding, for security reasons, this is not supported for all characters (e.g. forward slashes /, colons : etc.)
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Path Params
length between 1 and 50

The ID associated with the target Application.

length between 1 and 100

The reference associated with the target Privacy Policy.



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