JUMP TOPermissionsData ListsUpdates a new Data List Item by IdpatchFetches a single Data List Item by IdgetDeletes a Data List Item by IddeleteCreates a new Data List ItempostFree-form search across properties in the listsgetUpdates a new Data List Item by ReferencepatchFetches a single Data List Item by ReferencegetDeletes a Data List Item by ReferencedeleteObjection ConfigurationsGet audit informationgetGet an Objection ConfigurationgetUpdates an Objection ConfigurationputCreates an Objection ConfigurationpostGet Objection Configurations for an applicationgetObjection ManagementGet filtered objections for an Application IdgetGet audit information for a given objectiongetUpdate an objectionpatchPermission Statement LinksCreates a Statement LinkpostRetrieves Statement Links.getRetrieves Statement Link by ReferencegetUpdates a Statement LinkputPatches a Statement LinkpatchPermission StatementsCreates a Permission StatementpostRetrieves Permission Statements.getUpdates a Permission Statement statuspatchRetrieves Permission Statement by IDgetPermissions (Effective & Latest)Retrieve a citizen's 'effective' permissions for the given argumentsgetPermissions and Preferences StoreRetrieves effective Permissions and Preferences for an Application.getRetrieves effective Permissions and Preferences for an Application.getPrivacy PoliciesUpdate a Privacy PolicypatchGet a Privacy Policy by its IdgetCreate a Policy PermitpostCreate a Privacy PolicypostGet Privacy PoliciesgetRegister an Externally Managed Privacy PolicypostConsent StateSubmit updated Consent State for a CitizenpostGet Consent State for a CitizengetStateless SubmissionsStateless Submission endpointpostPermission Statement Links HistoryGet statement link histories.getPermissions ConfigurationRetrieve the configuration for the given applicationgetUpdates a configuration for the given applicationputPermissions TransactionsCreates transactions.postRetrieve transactions.getRetrieve the transaction for the given id.getPrivacy PoliciesRedirect to latest revision of public PrivacyPolicy.getGet Public Privacy PoliciesgetCitizensCitizensRetrieves Job by ID.getCreates a Job populated with Citizens to deletepostRetrieves all Jobs.getSplits a citizenpostRetrieve a Citizen by its IdgetRetrieve a page of citizens for the given ApplicationgetCreate citizens in bulk, up to 1000 at a time.postRetrieve the number of citizens, associated with the given ApplicationgetDelete a single citizen by Citizen IDdeleteUpdate a citizenputCreate a citizenpostQuery CitizensgetDelete a single citizen by Application ID and External ReferencedeleteCitizen Email LookupLookup citizen email addressgetCreate or update citizen detailsputLookup citizen external refgetLinked CitizensRetrieves a page of linked citizen groups.getLink citizens to form a grouppostGet a group of linked citizens by reference.getUnlink a citizen from a group by referencedeleteMerge RequestsMerge a single citizenpostRetrieves all merges associated with the specified citizen or applicationgetInitiates a citizen merge jobpostReturns all citizen merge jobs for a specified Application IdgetReturns information about a specific jobgetReturns information about a specific jobgetRetrieves a citizen mergegetCitizensRetrieves failure details for Job in CSV format.getImports, exports and syncingCaptured Transactions ImportImports Citizens, Transactions, Preferences and Email Addresses.postRetrieves all Jobs.getRetrieve import job failures. NB: failure details are only available for 90 days.getRetrieves Job by ID.getCitizen CaptureGet captured citizen's details for the given ApplicationId.getCapture a citizen's details.postExport JobsRetrieves all Jobs for ApplicationgetCreate a job to export permissions store datapostRetrieves Job by idgetLinked Citizens ImportRetrieve Linked Citizens import Job failures. NB: failure details are only available for 90 days.getRetrieve Linked Citizens import Job.getImport a CSV file of Linked Citizens.postSubscriptionsUpdate fields for a Subscription by IDpatchGet Subscription by IDgetDelete a Subscription by IDdeleteUpdate a Subscription by IDputGet audit informationgetCreate a SubscriptionpostGet all subscriptions filtered by Application IDgetGet all subscription failures filtered by Application IdgetDelete subscription failures filtered by Application Id and SubscriptionIddeleteTransaction CaptureDeletes Transactions by unique reference(s).postImports Transactions directly into the DataGuard Consent and Preference Management platform.postDeletes Transactions.deleteCreates an unauthenticated Transaction.postRetrieves unauthenticated Transactions.getPreferencesPreferences ConfigurationDefine a preferencepostGet all preferencesgetGet a preferencegetUpdate a preferenceputDelete a preferencedeletePreference SubmissionsSubmit a citizen preferencepostGet preference submissionsgetGet a citizen submissiongetPreferencesGet preferences for an applicationgetPreferences Configuration HistoryGet all history for preference configurationgetGet history for a specific preference configurationgetCustomer EngagementAccess TokensRetrieves the tokens generated for a Job as CSV.getDeletes the tokens generated for the Job.deleteCreates a Job to generate Access Tokens.postRetrieves all Jobs.getRetrieves the event logs.getRetrieves Job by ID.getRevokes a Job and deletes the associated tokensdeleteCreate a single access token for a specific citizenpostAuthorisationRevoke a single Access TokenpostBrandingGet the branding style.getUpdate the branding. Note that if root objects like `styles` or `cardLayout` do not provided child attributes they are NOT overwritten.putGet all branding history.getTemplates HistoryGet template historygetGet full template history (not paginated)getTemplatesRetrieves Templates.getCreates a TemplatepostRetrieves Template by IDgetUpdates Template by IDputUpdates Template statuspatchWidget RulesUpdate a set of rulesputDefine a new set of rulespostGet all rules.getGet a set of rulesgetDelete a set of rulesdeleteWidgetsGet all Widgets.getCreate a WidgetpostGet a Widget by IDgetUpdate a Widget by IDputDelete a Widget by IDdeleteGet all Widgets histories.getGet a Widget's history by IDgetPowered by Updates a new Data List Item by Idpatch https://api.consentric.io/v1/data-lists/{dataListItemId}